New Online Franchise without the Territories and Regulations

New Online Franchise without the Territories and Regulations. Every day people ask me why I am still doing that "ONLINE THING" why don't you get a real job or business (my family keep saying). Why be a herd member, doing and living the same way and creating a lifestyle for someone else? 10 Years ago I walked away from a Rural business which had me time poor and after the Sheep Industry all but vanished in Queensland, was left with the question how do we keep what we have and still keep growing? Traditional Business is a game of management these days and you are tied to one place or one ideal and being the bloke who always thought a bit differently, I wanted to try something else. What I discover was a world of opportunity and a bloke who had a heap of limiting beliefs about himself and what life can offer. Myles Forsyth and I share a similar opinion so instead of me writing it out have a listen to Myles. Successful as a Traditional Business Owner and Now successful as an Online Business Owner.. Enjoy the Video...


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