
Showing posts from August, 2018

Why You Could Work an Online Business and Become Successful

If you could find something that Uncovered Your Fully Potential, how would it change your life?   Coming from a person who has had that experience and having each and everyday, it is SIMPLE AMAZING. Agriculture, Personal Development. One works with nature and the other works with the mind. Both require faith, work and positive energy, but both sit neatly into the Philosophy of Personal Growth. Over the next few days I am looking for 10 needles in a Big Haystack, to share an amazing way to live life and development and UNSTOPPABLE attitude towards creating Success Working Online. Is that needle you..

10 Qualities of Wealthy

Image The qualities of the rich: 10 things that self-made millionaires have in common mindset, attitude, vision, belief, self-growth, confidence and continued learning. The bottom line: getting rich is not all about money. Money and Oxygen are two need commodities es when it comes to living in life. Money makes the world go around Money allows you to see the world Money and it’s trickle effect touches many people on it’s long journey from person to person. Success is an inside game. Mastery of skill, willingness to question your beliefs, a practice of developing confidence, decisions and continued learning and application. To some it sounds hard so they never move forward. The accept were they are and work with what they can earn. For people like me and thousands of others it is wealth education personal growth and practice of ...


It is up to us to care.. I went in today to get my morning coffee and the girl serving me said knew my name as I as normal told her for the order. I asked how did she remember it. You come in often always happy and always say thank you. I like that she said.. I walked out with a smile and could have eaten a banana side ways.. I sat down to search online for some inspiring content to share with my audience.  I found this video and the words of WE HAVE TO CARE first. I have been drinking coffee at the same shop for 5 years and I don't know the girls name.  A simple gesture.  Why?  Just didn't care enough to know. No one really goes out of their way to learn about other people.  We want to be served, we pay for it, you do it.. Can you imagine what will happen if we consider more than just yourself.. Try it Today..