Are Successful People Born Brilliant

You Don't Have to be born brilliant

There has long been a false belief around successful people, that they are born brilliant.

Not So..
They are creative problem solves whose goal is to make life easier or better for other people
They are specific in what they want to achieve for a desired outcome
They face failure everyday and use it to fuel them to produce a result
They are professional in their resilience and attitude and work on it daily
The have an end result that they want
They invest in knowledge like this program
Bushpreneur is Heading to Sydney on Jan 12 for Our Next Event

They have an appetite to learn now and deliver
They have a bold bigger vision
Failure means you are missing the mark, not to quit
They know their niche audience and who stands to benefit from their creation
They are open to reviews and criticism and repair
There game and story of life is bold, exciting and challenging
They are always looking for new ways to improve our lives.
Wealth Building Event is Happening in Phuket and the Bushpreneur is book and ready to learn

So are they Brilliant or Passionate to Achieve
We are told it is never about the money, but in most cases it is..
It’s not about notoriety but they love the attention
It’s not about the Perks but we certainly accept them
It’s not about standing out but we love being a little different

It is about getting the job done, complete and out in the marketplace at a given time.
It is staying positive and tackling the challenges head on
It is about learning, failing, redesigning to get a result.

Are They Still Born Brilliant?
Any who sets out to create build, remodel, redesign, complete, takeover loves everything that comes with the package.  
The frustration, breakages, relationships, financial hardship and the rewards

My passion is Agriculture it took me 50 years to achieve the results I am achieving now.  We have had many droughts, a few floods, political interference, crashed economies along the way which have made us better Agri Farmers.

My change came using this program 10 years ago
Mindset is Power, Profit and Persistence
Mindset fuels the dream, desire and dead ends
Mindset create the changes, chances and characters
Mindset is the Kryptonite of Success You don’t have to Brilliant, be determined and dependable (maybe a little crazy).

Ready to Start Living a Life By Your Design? Learn More


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