
Showing posts from March, 2019

Needy Verse Deserving Which One Are You...

Petton Podcast....Needy Verse Deserving which one are you.. Are You a Needy Person.. What is a needy person... How do you change it quickly Why it matters... Listen to the Podcast Here... How many times have you used phrase I achieve.... Dan Lok...a Hong Kong Multi Millionaire quotes... "if you need money to make money...then you won't make any..."   You require a strategy, and idea or at the very least an inspiring dream... So before we go on ...are always in need of something before you can have what you really want from life... I was a very needy person...I really need that sale so I can...... I really need a break so I can clear my head I really need a new job because this one is killing me... When you are in need, you are without action...without action you aren't deserving... As Malcom Fraser said... "Life was not meant to be easy"   Life is your challenge. How y

5 Tips to make sure your decision to be Own Boss Works

There are many reasons why people want to become their own boss and sadly not all of them make sense or money.  So here are 5 tips to make sure your decision to be your own boss is going to work. Make sure what ever you are wanting to do you have an audience with an appetite .  People want your service because it makes their life a better experience.  If it improves there lifestyle that is a win win Can you do it better than your competitors?  What do you bring to the table which is going to WOW your audience.  Discounting isn't WOWING it sends you broke. Is the business or idea easily duplicated for people to learn!  This is a big one because you will eventually have staff and you may as well right now write out all the things you do right now and how to complete them so you have training available for anyone who steps in. Employ people with personal communication skills, don't hire for budget .  Budget people work hours, Personal People work with people and more i

The Success Generator Anyone can Take Control of their Life

What is the real power behind a Decision...Greg and Cath will explain exactly what it takes to become Successful... What is the difference between the Rich and the Poor. They make a decision to change their life and follow through... Most people accept their life as it is, because their limiting beliefs are holding them back along with words of wisdom for outside critics, friends and society. Any human being can take control of their like starting today.. Rapid change and growth is available when you learn about what we do... Are you ready how to learn how to change your life

The Modern Way to Be a Millionaire

The internet has given us a multitude of ideas and opportunities to become a millionaire and some of us like Maree and Ex Diary Farmer   like the idea of having a business which isn't affected by weather. But another reason  many people discover is that this business offers the total flexibility of suit yourself and it fits our modern world.  What other business can offer the Lucrative Incomes, Simple Business Process and the Personal Satisfaction.. Why don't you find out!

What type of Entrepreneur Are You?

What type of Entrepreneur Are You? Are you the Salesman with the quick words, crafty phrases and only looking for the money right now. Or are you a Leader wanting to harness and build a long term business relationship for many years to come? Hi I am Peter Wheaton CEO of Petton Lifestyle Group been an Online Marketer for this business for 10 years in 2019 and only recently discovered that we are all salesman when money is limited. Your mindset and bank balance determine whether you are a sales man or a Leader? Most of your current business partners /owners/Sellers and Personal Development Coaches won't tell you that vital piece of information..(it may damage the sale) But after 10 years and many failures the time has come to open the doors of hype and crafty messages to spell out this one simple fact. Your relationship with money will determine whether you are a Sales Man /Person or Leader? The good new folks is we all start as Sales People, we want the money and

Are You a Slacker /Petton Lifestyle

What makes some people successful and other unsuccessful.  #Overthinking Most people get caught in their thoughts and  over think or #procrastinate. A business mentor this week said...just do the work.  Stop listening to ideas get busy doing it. The biggest problem with most Personal Development is people get stuck in their head and they believe they are damaged or broken, when really the reason they aren't moving forward is because they just don't do the work... So this week get busy and don't be a slack jack... "if you are a roll up your sleeves type of person and want to earn a big income.. .reach back to me today.." #bushpreneur #slacker #procrastination

Are You Being Outsourced? Undervalued , Overlooked?

The world of traditional business is and has changed.  Profits of share holders have power, cutting costs and doing the job cheaper is the preferred option and continually replacing the experience so they can keep to budget is the NORM.. So why do people say in their JOB, stay with the Company which appears to be run by investors sitting in armchairs watching from some exotic beach, while sipping on a cocktail. SECURITY-hardly think so because once #50years comes along most people are waiting for the dreaded tap on the shoulder and the chances of getting another #JOB are thin.... LOYALTY IGNORANCE- we all think they won't do that to me.  Look what I have done for them over the years, the hours and deadlines I have meet and created for them. FEAR- "what else can I do I only know this!" Scary thought aah, work 20-30 years in the prime of your career and some one with a computer juggles the figures and put you, your career in the TRASH.. With eve

Expanding Online Business Across USA - Classified Ad

Expanding Online Business Across USA - Classified Ad Hello Seattle, it has taken awhile but we are finally flying over to host an event which is about to redefine your life your income and the amount of time you spend going to work. Introducing the Most Successful Online Business on the Planet It sounds like a big call, but how many Traditional Business Models can earn $40k per month with a cost of $4000 per month... Without Employees, Holding Product Or Crafty Salesmanship. We are heading over to your city in August looking for those people who are ready to discover how to become amazingly successful working online.. Who have a bold goal and a power reason to achieve more from life. Every event is Australia is Full a month before the event starts, so now is the time to learn about the business and book your free seat  today...