Needy Verse Deserving Which One Are You...

Petton Podcast....Needy Verse Deserving which one are you..
  1. Are You a Needy Person..
  2. What is a needy person...
  3. How do you change it quickly
  4. Why it matters...

How many times have you used phrase I achieve....
Dan Lok...a Hong Kong Multi Millionaire quotes...
"if you need money to make money...then you won't make any..."  
You require a strategy, and idea or at the very least an inspiring dream...

So before we go on ...are always in need of something before you can have what you really want from life...
  • I was a very needy person...I really need that sale so I can......
  • I really need a break so I can clear my head
  • I really need a new job because this one is killing me...
When you are in need, you are without action...without action you aren't deserving...

As Malcom Fraser said..."Life was not meant to be easy"  Life is your challenge.
  • How you react to it...
  • How you educate yourself about it...
The #1% change you apply to yourself daily to improve is up to you...
You get what you deserve...

So if you haven't done the work, made the calls, posted the ads, called the people
Why should we get a lucky break or consider getting a result?

If you are to listen to Bill Shorten he wants fairness for working people.
In our universe fairness isn't a concept...
If you do more work then the person who sits beside you....
If you training and educate yourself properly than the person who sits beside....
If you swapped the 3 hours of TV to educating you self on being a more successful person...

Don't you deserve to reap what you sow?

Is it fair that you should give part of your work ethic and hand it to someone who doesn't?

The person who wants fairness is a Needy Person...
They want the world to deliver, ask, pray, do personal development everyday, do yoga, visualise for hours each day ...without becoming better at anything....
I have been that person.

The short cut to any success is action...
The long short cut is analysising, comparing, asking for breaks, doing a stint on Hope Island...

  • A needy person spends a lot of time on Hope Island...
  • Planning what they will do the money...
  • Breaking it up and investing it ….
  • Negotiating the deals, and writing up documents...
  • Then gets dishearten because nothing is happening..

We call this Circular Thinking...a pattern which keeps flowing around and nothing changes...

I spoke to a very successful Trucking Company Owner I went to Pastoral College with and asked him how he became successful....

#JustDoit...I am here to make money first, to make life a little easier for the family...
I told my wife what I was prepared to do to make it happen...
I have been tired, worn out and some days don't want to drive...
Now I have 13 triples on the road, I don't drive much...
I still organise trucks, do the kids stuff and keep the wife happy...

I employ drivers who get the job done who turn up everyday and give that 10% more...
There is plenty of time for thinking when you are driving that white line...
My thoughts used to about debt, being away from home...
But that weighed me down, I wanted to be the most reliable Trucker...and we are...

If the diesel isn't burning from the stacks, no money is coming in...
Every mistake is a course correction and a lesson...and we can always get better...

Here is a bloke who wouldn't know what personal development even was...
Every mistake is a lesson to get better...

Every day we should be asking ourselves to be 1% better, do another call before lunch, post another ad, complete another task..
If we did one thing 1% better  each day you will have improved 365% in a year...
If you ate 1% less each meal, you would lose weight without thinking about...

If you complained 1% less or needed 1 % less attention, you are 1% closer to what you want...

Everyone should have a big write it up the top after this call...
Then reverse engineer the whole goal...plan backwards...

Plan everything back to where you are right now....
  • If you get into action and apply the 1% rule how will it help you attain that goal...
  • What do you have to do better to attain that goal
  • What actions do you need to learn to attain that goal
  • How can you follow that will help you achieve that goal


Needy Persons plans their life....A Deserving Person Works their life...

It is your choice.....

If you are looking for a way to get out of the circular thinking...check out our Break Through Transformation 17 days Prosperity Program...


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