Prosperity Of Life THE REAL STORY after 10 Years and Still Excited..

What makes a Business GOOD?

The people, the lessons the Experiences and the Growth.

If you look online at any business, person, celebrity, entrepreneur who is prepared to stand alone in pursuit of there dreams, there is always two sides of the story. Negative and Positive

The Negative Side, where a bigger portion of people  set out to succeed, can't find a way to make it work and then blame everything and everyone and share there new stories of LOSS.  Everyone Loves the Story, thats why 60% of people spend more time investing in TV then creating their own lives.

For anyone who is in pursuit of a dream, we all fall into this category, because we don't keep our focus on the big picture, we all want the quick fix, the results and the Proof we have done the right thing.

I have been that Person who was Frustrated with Prosperity Of Life Business, because I continually push any result away.  Doubt, FEAR, Indecision are diseases of the Mind.

All this indecision is YOUR problem and when you take responsible for your actions or lack of them, your life changes.

Prosperity of Life is a Choice to live with NO Doubt, Blame or Justification from any thing or anyone.

It is a Discipline a Philosophy of Practice and not everyone can handle that challenge.

The Positive Side See's Profits and Opportunity, I have seen that as well over the last ten years, but more than Profits came the Personal Power, Positivity and Purpose.

We all want to improve our lives every year, but knowing how to reset your thoughts and angers and attitude at any time is power.

I have know the Leaders of Prosperity of Life for 10 years.  It may have only been over the Internet and a few days a year at an event.  But from the first day until now 10 years on their message has changed.

There happy go lucky attitude to life, their intention to development people with Leadership qualities and resilience is still as strong as the first day I started.

While the $50K and $100K club hasn't been aren't by me yet it is only a matter of time. To be around a group of everyday people who haven't time to compare, label or judge others is testament to the Education offered by Prosperity of Life.

What would I say to anyone considering Prosperity of Life?

What story do you want to live?

The battler with tales from sun up to sundown, with fears, doubts and control by perceptions.

The adventurer who lets his ego and pride float away and opens his mind to what he doesn't know.

10 Years ago I started working along side Prosperity of Life.  It didn't quite go as I planned.  But the thinking in my mind needed upgrading and I wasn't prepared to do that.  Until NOW.

When you stop investing in your glories, you then see the glories other people are achieving around you.  My new growing team of On Purpose Entrepreneurs have taught me how to have a more successful life just by supporting their growth and their WINS..That far better then just a Sale.

Prosperity of Life is building a group of people, who are sharing with people a Simple way of Life, that the average person has difficulty in achieving, because they are to invested in their own


The theories from the Stoics like Marcus Aurelius, Richest Man in Babylon and Think and Grow Rich, is the blue print of creating  successful life.  

SEE IT AS IT IS..not what it could be is the greatest Lesson Prosperity of Life has given me.

I look forward to seeing where I am writing from in 10 years time..Join Me today.


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