Behind the Scenes- WHY We Started Working Online

Most people have their opinions about working from home or buying an Online Business.

It is all relevant and no one really has a wrong opinion.

The reason being is because it is not your CHOICE.

The car you drive or the clothes you wear are just as judged as the Home Business Industry

But many of us and me included during this interview were surprised to reasons of why these people started working online.

There is three people who believe in the vision of this Company, with dramatically different private reasons for following the Adventure of Working Online.

Who are we to say it is wrong or right?

Opinions are like taxi's, there is always another one around the corner.  Not every taxi driver is a bad driver and not every driver is good.

Those people who invest in being right or full of knowledge are the ones whose FEAR control the experiences the universe is offering..WHY LIVE THAT WAY...

#millionaire #freedom #successful #People


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