
Showing posts from 2018

How Does Gratitide Work

Every day I start the daily in Total Gratitude for my life. It has become a practice and a discipline, it has become the way I see life, it is the way I live life. My past thinking wasn't so correct.  I thought smiling and being a kind to people was gratitude. I realise it is state of mind.  In a way it is FREEING YOURSELF DAILY to what is magically going to a happen in out wonderful universe. Everyday I am grateful the THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS that is shaping my life and for the challenges and the frustrations I have and am enduring to become the person I desire to become. I am grateful for the leadership show to me and the new understanding I have of life and daily I jump into our FREE Training Life can be an amazing adventure when you are grateful for what you have right now..

Are Successful People Born Brilliant

You Don't Have to be born brilliant There has long been a false belief around successful people, that they are born brilliant. Not So.. They are creative problem solves whose goal is to make life easier or better for other people They are specific in what they want to achieve for a desired outcome They face failure everyday and use it to fuel them to produce a result They are professional in their resilience and attitude and work on it daily The have an end result that they want They invest in knowledge like this program Bushpreneur is Heading to Sydney on Jan 12 for Our Next Event They have an appetite to learn now and deliver They have a bold bigger vision Failure means you are missing the mark, not to quit They know their niche audience and who stands to benefit from their creation They are open to reviews and criticism and repair There game and story of life is bold, exciting and challenging They are always looking for new ways to improve

How to Over Come Adversity..If you are in Sales, then you need to listen to this...

Whose in charge of their adversity? It isn't YOU … Do You actually know why your life isn't moving forward.. Try out  FREE TRAINING

Why You Could Work an Online Business and Become Successful

If you could find something that Uncovered Your Fully Potential, how would it change your life?   Coming from a person who has had that experience and having each and everyday, it is SIMPLE AMAZING. Agriculture, Personal Development. One works with nature and the other works with the mind. Both require faith, work and positive energy, but both sit neatly into the Philosophy of Personal Growth. Over the next few days I am looking for 10 needles in a Big Haystack, to share an amazing way to live life and development and UNSTOPPABLE attitude towards creating Success Working Online. Is that needle you..

10 Qualities of Wealthy

Image The qualities of the rich: 10 things that self-made millionaires have in common mindset, attitude, vision, belief, self-growth, confidence and continued learning. The bottom line: getting rich is not all about money. Money and Oxygen are two need commodities es when it comes to living in life. Money makes the world go around Money allows you to see the world Money and it’s trickle effect touches many people on it’s long journey from person to person. Success is an inside game. Mastery of skill, willingness to question your beliefs, a practice of developing confidence, decisions and continued learning and application. To some it sounds hard so they never move forward. The accept were they are and work with what they can earn. For people like me and thousands of others it is wealth education personal growth and practice of


It is up to us to care.. I went in today to get my morning coffee and the girl serving me said knew my name as I as normal told her for the order. I asked how did she remember it. You come in often always happy and always say thank you. I like that she said.. I walked out with a smile and could have eaten a banana side ways.. I sat down to search online for some inspiring content to share with my audience.  I found this video and the words of WE HAVE TO CARE first. I have been drinking coffee at the same shop for 5 years and I don't know the girls name.  A simple gesture.  Why?  Just didn't care enough to know. No one really goes out of their way to learn about other people.  We want to be served, we pay for it, you do it.. Can you imagine what will happen if we consider more than just yourself.. Try it Today..

New Online Franchise without the Territories and Regulations

New Online Franchise without the Territories and Regulations. Every day people ask me why I am still doing that "ONLINE THING" why don't you get a real job or business (my family keep saying). Why be a herd member, doing and living the same way and creating a lifestyle for someone else? 10 Years ago I walked away from a Rural business which had me time poor and after the Sheep Industry all but vanished in Queensland, was left with the question how do we keep what we have and still keep growing? Traditional Business is a game of management these days and you are tied to one place or one ideal and being the bloke who always thought a bit differently, I wanted to try something else. What I discover was a world of opportunity and a bloke who had a heap of limiting beliefs about himself and what life can offer. Myles Forsyth and I share a similar opinion so instead of me writing it out have a listen to Myles. Successful as a Traditional Business Owner and Now successful as

Unstoppable Confident and Resilent in 17 Days

Most of us have our Confidence hit, tested, damaged or lost at some point in our life. Some of us make it back with the right information and some of us drift around (as I did) for years trying to put the pieces together and still stay stuck. The good new is that there is a way to Top Up On Confidence and Become Unstoppable What does it take? Great question. After 10 years of Personal Development and buying many e'books and courses and found it came down to one thing. DECISION. Make a decision to become confident. I am an Online Marketer, Business Owner and Entrepreneur. Our job is to find the pain points so we can sell or promote our products. But for me Confidence has a range of pain points and I have bought many programs which all helped, but nothing like the this program  WHY? This is a program that grows with you. You aren't the same after 12 months of doing the course and when you go back to do it again, you aren't the same because you have grown.

Behind the Scenes- WHY We Started Working Online

Most people have their opinions about working from home or buying an Online Business. It is all relevant and no one really has a wrong opinion. The reason being is because it is not your CHOICE. The car you drive or the clothes you wear are just as judged as the Home Business Industry But many of us and me included during this interview were surprised to reasons of why these people started working online. There is three people who believe in the vision of this Company, with dramatically different private reasons for following the Adventure of Working Online. Who are we to say it is wrong or right? Opinions are like taxi's, there is always another one around the corner.  Not every taxi driver is a bad driver and not every driver is good. Those people who invest in being right or full of knowledge are the ones whose FEAR control the experiences the universe is offering.. WHY LIVE THAT WAY... #millionaire #freedom #successful #People

Time To Take a Look at The Big Picture 100 People /$1.3 Million

Most people don't stop to look at the big picture. A great business returns long term. It isn't governed by discounting products and special ways to entice you in. It isn't given to just any person, because a great business is found by those who are looking for something more than income. They are looking for change and mastery. We all want to become wealthy. But what is wealth? Some people see it as owning a couple of homes. Some people see it as having total control of their life. Some people see helping others have want they need and the chance to make a difference is wealth. I see wealth as helping other people get what they want from life so I can have what I want from life. When 100 People join this business and work it as we do, not only are they receiving there profits we will receive a 8 figure natural income every year without having to do anything. The work is done now, selecting the right people to join our business. 10 people will earn us $130K e

Prosperity Of Life THE REAL STORY after 10 Years and Still Excited..

What makes a Business GOOD? The people, the lessons the Experiences and the Growth. If you look online at any business, person, celebrity, entrepreneur who is prepared to stand alone in pursuit of there dreams, there is always two sides of the story. Negative and Positive The Negative Side , where a bigger portion of people  set out to succeed, can't find a way to make it work and then blame everything and everyone and share there new stories of LOSS.  Everyone Loves the Story, thats why 60% of people spend more time investing in TV then creating their own lives. For anyone who is in pursuit of a dream, we all fall into this category, because we don't keep our focus on the big picture, we all want the quick fix, the results and the Proof we have done the right thing. I have been that Person who was Frustrated with Prosperity Of Life Business, because I continually push any result away.  Doubt, FEAR, Indecision are diseases of the Mind. All this indeci

There has never been a better time to get into an Online business

There has never been a better time to get into a Online Business. Big call I hear you say, but it is your cheapest and most affordable way to start a new business. There is one rule about any business.  FAIL quickly. Sounds a bit bizarre, but true. Most businesses cost in access of $45K and their income per sale is relatively low priced. With a small profit, advertising is not a cheap option or affective. An Online Business can get you started anywhere between $50 (low profit business) to $10000 (high profit ) It is affordable for most people who want to Be There Own Boss or Work From Home. For more information click to here

One Of a Kind Life-Download Your FREE Tuturial

Life doesn’t come with an instruction book. It can be confusing and downright frustrating at times. But there are certain things that humans can do that will create excellent results in many areas of life.     Virtually none of these things are taught in schools, or shared with colleagues in the competitive job environment.     So what do those creating One of a Kind Lives know that others do not?     It’s all revealed in this step by step actionable tutorial.     Download Your FREE COPY NOW

Petton Lifestyle- Ready to Experience Life -

Ready to Experience Life?  Or  Maybe have a better experience of life? Or Maybe throw away everything old and start again NEW? Whatever the reason more people want change?  WHAAAAAAT Change (not the lose stuff in your pocket) More to the point they want CHOICE. The choice to work different hours Experience different ideas and opportunities Work in different countries Be more valued for their efforts Earn More Live More and DO More. BUT...... A regular job doesn't have that flexibility (although some Companies today are starting too) A traditional business is stationary, regulated, costly and time poor. So what are more people doing to Experience Life? They are looking online.  They are searching for opportunities, new life choices, new ideas and new education to help them to discover, what they actually want. BUT AREN'T THEY ALL SCAMS?..  some are some aren't. Some people don't see value in buying education to learn about themselves and how to become succ

Work From Home Be Your Own Boss Cairns

Work From Home Be Your Own Boss In Cairns? Just for a moment, stop what you are doing (that means you) and imagine living life experiencing everything , trying , testing and doing all the things you have seen on TV or long to do. What do you think life would be like?  Is it a freedom you have longed for, a piece of mind knowing you never have to worry about life again. Now consider never having to have that MONEY chat again, saving for a raining day that becomes a flood and you have to spend the lot anyway. Or putting it on the plastic and knowing you can earn and pay it off with total easy every 55 days. What about choosing the expensive meal and dining where you most like, buying what you want and knowing you can afford it all. Most people call that a pipe dream..Or is it? Work From Home Be Your Own Boss In Cairns..   Get a Life Online

Work From Home Be Your Own Boss

Work From Home Be Your Own Boss is it possible or NOT! Most people would love to be able to give up their job and start a new career working for themselves BUT not many people succeed. WHY they choose the wrong the business model. There are three Types Of Income every business needs to become successful High Upfront Income (so you can afford to advertise) Leveraged Income (a business model that qualifies people) Residual Income (repeat sales through training or events) The Most Important aspect to Work Frome Home Be Your Own Boss is to offer a program that solves a solution for a big audience. Personal Development is a way of life.. come and learn more today.

Perfect Job Petton Lifestyle

Perfect Job Petton Lifestyle. Have you ever searched for the perfect job? Did you find the Income, Time Freedom and Improvement you wanted? Did you find the job that can afford Business Class Flights, Luxury Accommodation around the world with an income to match ( if you have please let know) Did you find that in this job you can select who you work with and when Did you find that unlimited Earning Potential My guess is probably NO.  Because those qualities lend themselves to the Perfect Lifestyle. I believe the Perfect Job Petton Lifestyle OFFERS is the Perfect Lifestyle I BELIEVE WE OFFER A BETTER CHOICE FOR YOUR LIFE. The bye product is being able to afford the Luxury Events/Accommodation/Travel/Real Estate. The real magic happens when you apply what we teach in your business and your general life. Struggle Street Stories are great to compare Bad Luck Events.  They don't inspire people to change. I believe the Perfect Job Petton Lifestyle sells is the ability to BUY